Recovering Revenue Owed with Confidence

GIS is Much More than Making Maps
Whether we think about it or not, every day the municipality where we live ensures we have clean water, safe roads, and an abundance of other things we probably take for granted. And generally speaking, that is probably all right because individuals who choose a career in public service do not crave the spotlight. This does not, however, diminish the need for municipalities to proactively communicate how they are spending public dollars that are available. In fact, today this is more important than ever.
Recently the Village of Glen Ellyn took on the challenge of being more transparent with the public about the work they do to maintain their urban forest in real time. Their winter pruning cycle includes crown leaning, raising branches, and ensuring that lines of sight are clear. To support what the Village wanted to communicate MGP created a public facing live dashboard that reports the progress of tree pruning so that residents could anticipate when and who would maintain their parkway trees. Greater transparency is one way to communicate and raise the level of service at the same time.
Also, see how the Village of Northbrook is improving service delivery.